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Old 06-08-2015, 09:43 AM   #5
Hold mah beer!
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Location: 80 Miles South of Moto Heaven
Moto: 08 R1200GS
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Originally Posted by wildchild View Post
particle don't take it the wrong way, just a different look on things.

if you get out of cycling, enjoy your next passion. you'll be back. LOL sometimes you have to step away for a bit to understand how much or even if you really enjoy something.

I never understood the whole I have kids now thing myself. my son started riding on my dirtbike with me when he was 1 1/2 and on street at 4. it was just the way I raised him, and the way I was raised. biking brought us closer, it was the "thing" we share. as he aged he rode dirt, than got a street bike. etc. now days he and his girlfriend have a kid, he he he just waiting to find a little 50 that I can sneak home so he has something to do when they come visit. he is after all 3 already. LOL son's girlfriend understands that if the kid comes by me, he will be on bikes and she is cool with that.

Everyone just has different priorities. There is a lot of things to do out there. Bikes have just taken a back seat on some of the other things I want to do in life. For me, it's not that I am scared to get on a bike and not come home to my kid. I have dialed down my stupid on bikes a good bit. It's that I rather do other things first with the limited time I have free from an 8 month old.
Originally Posted by ebbs15 View Post
according to the article tell him to drink ginger tea...
Originally Posted by Tigger
Whatever,Stoner is a bitch! O.J. Simpson has TWO fucked knees and a severe hang nail on his left index finger but he still managed to kill two younger adults,sprint 200 feet to his car (wearing very expensive,yet uncomfortable Italian shoes) and make his get a way!!!
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