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Old 11-12-2011, 02:43 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Homeslice View Post
I guess several people at Penn State saw a grey area, and none of us know what it is. Unless we're going to assume it was simply about protecting the school and nothing else --- Which might be true, but still pure speculation.

Hindsight is great when you're just reading about it in the papers.
Hearing about it is one thing. You run the risk of destroying someone completely with no direct knowledge that something happened. I can see people finding a grey area there, though as "several people at Penn State" are discovering most of the public won't.

I'm pretty good at finding grey areas in just about everything. I can see plenty that are specific to a college football program too. NCAA violations, who cares? Steroid use by players, so what? Coaches banging students of legal age, have at it.

Actually witnessing an act of pedophilia and doing next to nothing about it is another issue. If I directly know that someone is an active pedophile, in a college football program or not, and I can't find any reason that even comes close making me think it is OK. You talk about hindsight, what is the "If I'd only known" that the benefit of hindsight brings in this instance?
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